The Layog Group is dedicated to achieving holistic progress that goes beyond material benefits or only poverty alleviation, and encompasses a more rounded view of human experiences and aspirations.

We are not a capitalist enterprise that aims at declaring dividends to its shareholders. Central to our ethos is the notion that our investments can prompt other forms of economic growth within a region that results in greater employment and hope.

Our major responsibilities include caring for the quality of life of the people we lead.

We prefer to invest funds into solid long term enterprises that are engines of employment and have great long term potential for the local community - even if profits are not immediate. We ensure that businesses become self-sustaining and achieve stability. Where we can not build self sustaining businesses for overall development of community, we try to achieve our developmental goals through our foundation.

We believe in providing stability of jobs and learning opportunities to our employees. Talented individuals are always welcome to apply for jobs and we will find a place in our companies where they can produce results, create real value, gain self-respect and fulfillment by serving the people.

© Layog Group. All Rights Reserved.